Find out if your level of work-related stress is normal
Let’s face it: There are many people reading this who don’t love their jobs 100% of the time. No job is perfect. Some days are a breeze and then others can be stressful, or, even a bit taxing. It is important to know the line between when a job can is giving you “normal” amounts of stress and when it’s crossed over to being toxic. If you find yourself miserable at work, consider the signs that your job may be detrimental to your mental health.
Signs your job is negatively effecting your mental health
Consider how often you experience the following as a result of work:
1. While you are there, you find it hard to feel anything but negative thoughts and emotions. You’re easily irritated with your coworkers or boss.
2. You feel situationally depressed or anxious. If you are feeling a sense of extreme dread on Sundays when looking at the upcoming week or your anxiety is at an all-time high if your phone dings because you are worried it will be a work-related notification, this could be an indication that negative feelings about work have transitioned to your personal life.
3. You feel physically ill. When your mental health takes a toll, it can affect your physical health too. Migraines, stomach aches from indigestion, or insomnia can all be physical ailments caused by work-related stress. If these are an everyday occurrence, it’s probably time to consider a job-change
4. It takes the entire weekend to recharge and feel better. When work emotionally exhausts you to the point where you don’t feel like yourself, even after a 48-hour break.
5. You struggle to get out of bed in the morning. Some days you may just be more tired, but if this is happening more and more frequently, your body could be reacting to the stress you’re holding inside about going to work each day.
6. You don’t take breaks at work. If you don’t have a second to breathe when you’re at work and take a proper break, this can create a toll on your mental health. Drowning in work for eight-to-ten hours straight is too taxing, both physically and emotionally.
7. You can no longer relax at home or take care of yourself. You’re disinterested in do things at home that you usually enjoy and unable to have a routine. Your body is either completely drained at all times, or you feel like you’re on high alert because you are constantly in a state of flight or fight.
8. You over-indulge after a workday. If you find yourself wanting to drink alcohol more during the week (or weekends), or indulge in “comfort” foods like salty snacks or sweets, this could also be a sign that your job is affecting your mental well-being.
9. Increasing your daily alcohol consumption and snacking can both lead to weight gain, which can also result increased listlessness and depression. If you think your job is making you want to consume more sugar, fat, salt and drink alcohol more frequently, this could be the result of your brain seeking a means of short-term physical comfort. Using food to self-medicate against negative emotions isn’t uncommon as there is a lot of scientific evidence correlating our cravings to emotional memory and reward systems in the brain (i.e. eating foods that remind us of holidays and times we feel good). Unfortunately, the long-term effects of indulgeing in unhealthy stress-induced eating and drinking can have serious long-term negative effects on your mental and physical health.
Remember: Work-life balance is essential. Ignoring these signs of a mentally draining job can result in seriously negative physical and mental behaviors and feelings. If your job is affecting your mental health, reach out to the Oasis team and we can help you identify the causes of your work-related stress and anxiety and give you the tools for managing those feelings.
No job is worth your own well-being and you should always put yourself first.